Learning how to use Adobe XD can be fun!

Adobe XD Keyboard Shortcut Stickers

Color variations for Adobe XD stickers

Color variations for Adobe XD stickers

The concept.

Adobe XD was released three years ago on the market and has been changing designer’s routines since then. When I was at an Adobe challenge event I found myself looking for keyboard shortcuts while using Adobe XD. I brought the idea of shortcut stickers to an Adobe manager and they thought it would be very helpful. We decided to put together a sticker sheet to give out during Adobe MAX and other Adobe events.

Adobe XD Stickers August 2020

Adobe XD Stickers August 2020


Over the years we have used a similar layout but have changed it according to the needs of Adobe XD users. I was super excited to design the sheet of shortcuts myself and to be able to help others learn the software. I used Adobe Illustrator for most of my project.

Adobe MAX 2018 | Learning Center

Adobe MAX 2018 | Learning Center

Sharing knowledge.

The stickers debuted at Adobe MAX and were a hit. People found them extremely helpful and I was super lucky to have been making them since 2017. This project will continue to evolve whenever Adobe XD updates. The most recent stickers are from August 2020.



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