UX Research and Product Design at Tallwave

Tallwave focuses on customer experience, as product designers, our challenge was to make the experience effortless.


I’ve worked with Tallwave for around 3 years. During that time we have prototyped, tested, and released new products to companies such as PayPal, American Express, Natural Grocers, Bunger Steel, and many more.*

*Unfortunately, I can’t show all of my work due to legal limitations however I will do my best to showcase the highlights.

Product team process:


From research and prototypes.

Most of the projects begin with a blank piece of paper and a handful of both great and bad ideas. Our goal was to spew as many ideas on paper as possible. We tested them out within the team, company and the world to see which one did the best according to the needs of the client.*

*Sketches all drawn by Zuzanna

R5 Filtering Flow - 6@2x.png

To the final product.

Once the product passed testing and other client requirements, we would then present the final product to the client, get approval, and launch it out into the world.


DEEM Case Study



During our time with DEEM we completed many different wireframes and prototypes to test out with the initial client. We worked on a new filtering format for selecting flights. We hoped to ease the workload for the travel agent while they were searching for flights for their business class clients.

R5 Filtering Flow - 1@2x.png


We went through about ten rounds of testing via interactive prototypes in Invision. Our UX tests would run through out the week and we would have actual travel agents from DEEM complete their usual tasks. We measured both qualitative and quantitative results. It was very interesting to see the time difference from one task to another.



The drawing board was a common retreat zone. After each UX test and test results we would sit down and redraw many of the filtering elements to make sense of the current problems that we had come across. We did this until the very end of the project until the client was 100% satisfied with our research and work.

Other examples of work


Farmers Insurance VIN Scanner

AR System Design

We worked with Augmented Reality Dev companies to create a scan-able VIN system for our auto insurance clients. It was exciting to see how interactive and easy the process was while testing it on team members. We were even able to create an AR effect for Tallwave that allowed team members to scan a coaster and see an interactive 3D prototype animation.

Lumin Credit Union animated financial checker

Financial IxD

Animating and designing interactive experiences such as animations for financial companies was one of my favorite jobs. We would create activating card animations, little piggy banks jumping for joy with coins and lots of touch interactive experiences. Most of our work was done in After Effects and then we would export the codes via Lottie to our devs for further development.

Bristol West app redesign

App Design/Research

Designing new apps was a common process at Tallwave. We would begin with sketches, jump into wire frames, prototype the pieces in Sketch and then export them for review in Invision. We would then publicly UX test the apps on several different research websites. Over the years we've designed dozens of unique apps with in-house and outsourced developers.

Loftin social media profile pic 3D design

3D Prototyping

A few clients wanted 3D designs embedded into their tutorials and workflows on websites and infographics. We had the pleasure of creating storyboards and digital walkthroughs with 3D elements. Such as Loftin needed new social media profile imagery so we created concepts in Adobe Dimension.

Waste Management Newsletter

Content Creation

Every week we would create content for email newsletters, website blogs and social media content. It was our job to keep up to date and create graphics for marketing campaigns that grabbed attention and collected clicks. We worked closely with the SEO team to see what was working and what was not.

Natural Grocers website redesign

Website Design

We created several stunning websites for clients around the world. We would have team meetings to sketch out ideas, talk through the process of completing a task successfully. Then we would wireframe or render out the ideas to test them out with the public. We would use Sketch to design the website and then we would prototype them in Invision. Afterwords, we would upload them to Zeplin for developer hand off.

Visual examples of work

Want to find out more?

Please send me an email and I will be happy to answer all of your questions.


AR and VR Designs